Year was 1982,

The Atari 600xl and for that matter the 800xl where pretty unsucessful in the personal computer market. They both can run either systems applications as long as the code is written the same.

They did have some of the better game applications, but
for the times they did not compete with the others in the market place. They did provide a market entrance but, on the other hand it was basically a entrance at that.

The Atari 600/800xl was still part of the first personal computers.
Some of the specifications for the Atari 600/800xl was built in language Atari Basic, Mechanical Keyboard., CPU speed 1.77 MHZ, Ram 16K-48K (600xl) 64K-128K (800xl), Rom 24 kb, Colors 256 (16 colors + 16 intensities), Sound Octaves, Voices